Friday, September 02, 2005

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You must have the special Sony player to listen to the September meeting of the Jaccuse national headquarters group.

Click here to download the special Sony player for this audio post

Several interesting topics were discussed last night including a special report on the Pembina Indian Tribe. This has been discussed before but this report details how the internet promotions are nothing but a pure fraud.

Tribal membership, tribal drivers licenses and tribal license plates are not available anywhere at the present time but the tribe might consider letting people in on an immigrant status at some time in the future. If it is the J-accuse membership will be among the first to know about it and if it is ever tribal approved the J-accuse group will feature the announcements.

audio blogger gif

The Oklahoma City National J-accuse group is helping to fund and put out the following yard signs in order to hopefully stop the new gasoline tax the state wants to put into effect. With the gas prices as high as they are now who needs more taxes?

Jaccuse National Headquarters Stop The Gas Tax protest yard sign photo
